Altru Mission
The Altru Institute was formed in 2017 with the idea of addressing the most complex global challenges by fostering collaboration among those capable of making impact.
Over this time, Altru Institute has built a powerful global network of change-makers. Our model is to provide a connecting point for all those working on the same complex challenges. If each improves modestly from this improved information flow, significant progress is made.
We work primarily in two areas: Climate, Energy and Sustainability and Health and Wellness. Our consistent approach:
Research to find those making greatest impact.
Convene those to form collaborative communities.
Accelerate the most promising solutions.
At our annual meeting each January in Davos Switzerland we gather thought leaders worldwide at session to discuss global collaboration. Learn more about our plans for 2025.
Human ingenuity in the realms of science, technology can solve the most complex problems we face today. But only if the right ideas get to the right people at the right time. Altru Institute brings the right ideas and the right people together.

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world;
indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."
-Margaret Mead