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[Poverty & Prosperity]

Technology is revolutionizing the world of work and the displacement of workers by machines is a complex global challenge that is coming faster than any society can adjust. A significant structural unemployment is facing us due to rapid technological changes, globalization, longevity and a broken education system not structured to meet future job related needs, all coming together at the same time like never before in history.


A new non-profit media enterprise, WorkingNation, is at the forefront of telling the stories of this transition.  Three years after its founding, WorkingNation is gaining momentum partnering with foundations, like the Lumina Foundation, and with universities, like Cornell Technion, USC, the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania and Rutgers University to document the changing nature of work and discuss new job opportunities and solutions in fields like heath care, manufacturing, agriculture, cybersecurity, media and data analytics. WorkingNation is focused on highlighting where the jobs of the future will be and the mitigating solutions by utilizing storytelling as the primary mechanism of communications.


Altru Institute is pleased to announce its engagement on this critical topic and to introduce WorkingNation’s campaign.

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